WQData LIVE is developed and maintained by NexSens Technology, Inc. As such, use of this service is subject to all NexSens Technology policies and restrictions. By using this site or any other WQData LIVE branded software, services, or apps by NexSens Technology you agree to the following policies and restrictions.
While using this service, we may ask you to provide us with some personal information. This information may be used to improve or personalize your experience or contact you. Your personal information is stored securely on our servers and is not made accessible to anyone outside of NexSens Technology. We do not intentionally sell, share, or distribute personal information to third parties except where required by law.
We understand that your data may be sensitive and in some situations could be used to cause harm. Because of this, we have implemented web, database, and server security measures to keep your data safe. We will not intentionally sell, share, or distribute any data hosted through this service unless required by law or explicitly allowed by a project administrator through the project's public sharing settings.
Like many web services, we collect information that your browser sends whenever you connect to our servers. This data may include information such as but not limited to, your computer's internet protocol (IP) address, browser type and version, time and date of access, and pages viewed. We also use third party tools to collect and monitor anonymous usage statistics and data. This data cannot be traced back to you and is not used by anyone outside of NexSens Technology. These third party services include Google Analytics (web and mobile apps), Apple app analytics, and Google play app statistics.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these policies, please contact us.